Mt. Auburn Office
2123 Auburn Ave. Suite 724
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Montgomery Office
9122 Montgomery Rd. Suite 100
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Mason Office
608 Reading Rd. Suite A
Mason, OH 45040

What to Expect from your Yearly Checkup
Each year, there’s always a list of things you should do. Spring clean your house. Go to the dentist. Clean out your closet. Take a vacation. And, obviously, go to the gynecologist for your yearly checkup.
There are multiple reasons why visiting the gynecologist is an important part of the year for any woman, these include benchmarking your overall health, performing routine health tests and a pap smear and talking with your doctor about other women’s health topics.
Monthly Breast Exam
Ninety percent of breast lumps are found by the women performing self breast exams. By examining your breasts monthly, you will become familiar with your breasts and more likely to notice any changes. You are looking for any change in your breast. You can...
Am I in Labor?
How exciting! The day you have been preparing for is finally approaching. Soon your baby will be born. You are probably feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. You may also be tired and irritable as the baby gets larger. Your due date is based on the first...
What do I Need to do Now that I’m Expecting?
Pre-register with hospital We deliver at Christ Hospital located at 2139 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219, (513)585-2000. Consider a birth plan If you have a birth plan, please share it with your provider. If desired, there are several options to provide pain...
How Can I Tell if I’m in False Labor?
How Can I Tell if I am in False Labor? False labor can occur about the time you would be expecting labor to begin. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between false labor and true labor without a doctor checking your cervix for changes. One good way to...
Everything You Need To Know About Breastfeeding
What are the Benefits of Breastfeeding? When possible, we recommend breastfeeding your baby. Mother?s milk contains all the essential nutrients needed during the first 4 to 6 months of life, in an easily digestible form. Breast milk also contains antibodies to protect...
Vaginal Infections
What Are Vaginal Infections? Vaginal infections are the most common gynecologic disorder. Many of the agents that cause vaginal infections are normally found in the vagina in small numbers. The normal vaginal flora generally keeps the agents from overgrowing. Whenever...

James S. Wendel M.D.

Emily Wiebracht, M.D.

Mable M. Roberts, M.D.

Kevin R. Fitzgerald, M.D.

John E. White, M.D.

Donna M. Cirasole M.D.

Christine E. Plecha M.D.

Robert R. Flanagan, M.D.