10 Reasons You Should See Your OBGYN

10 Reasons You Should See Your OBGYN

Visiting the OBGYN can seem a bit more intimidating than a regular doctor’s visit—and it makes sense. All you need to do is see a speculum, let alone have one inside you, to feel a little scared. But, avoiding your OBGYN, whether on purpose or by accident, can lead to...
All the Ways to Become a Parent

All the Ways to Become a Parent

Raising children is a goal for many people, and for some, there are unique obstacles. But the good news is that there are many ways to become a parent, which means there are plenty of paths you can take on your journey to parenthood. Whether you’re a single person...
Is PMS Worse in the Summer?

Is PMS Worse in the Summer?

When the summer months come around, we like to think of outdoor fun, time off, and vacations—but for some people, summer signals worse periods and PMS. So, is it true that PMS is worse in the summer? Let’s find out. What is PMS? PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome,...