Mt. Auburn Office
2123 Auburn Ave. Suite 724
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Montgomery Office
9122 Montgomery Rd. Suite 100
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Mason Office
608 Reading Rd. Suite A
Mason, OH 45040

What to Expect from your Yearly Checkup
Each year, there’s always a list of things you should do. Spring clean your house. Go to the dentist. Clean out your closet. Take a vacation. And, obviously, go to the gynecologist for your yearly checkup.
There are multiple reasons why visiting the gynecologist is an important part of the year for any woman, these include benchmarking your overall health, performing routine health tests and a pap smear and talking with your doctor about other women’s health topics.
Women’s Health: SAD During the Holiday Season
Every year do you find yourself feeling down during the holidays and winter season? You may be chalking that up to just missing the summer, but actually it could mean you have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Research shows that it’s most common in women too. Here’s...
How to Heal from Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy
Some women talk about the pregnancy “pooch” that sticks around post-pregnancy. What is this condition, and how do you get rid of it? What is diastasis recti? What causes it? Diastasis recti, also known as “ab separation”, is where your left and right stomach...
To Young Women Everywhere: Learning The Signs
We read a study that totally shocked us. Almost to the point of disbelief. Out of a survey of 13,000 women, a stunning finding found that: 1 and 16 women are coerced into their first sexual experience and later experience sexual health problems. This study: Was taken...
Pregnant During Thanksgiving: The Do’s and Don’ts
Thanksgiving is fun until you remember you have dietary restrictions while pregnant. Uh oh, what do you do? Here are the do’s and don’ts for your Thanksgiving feast so you can eat stress-free. Don’t Eat Undercooked Foods Consuming undercooked foods can lead to...
How to Deal with Insomnia While Pregnant
Insomnia can be hard enough to deal with normally, and you may be wondering how you're going to cope with it now that you're pregnant. Whether you’re a new mom or an experienced mother looking for new tips, here’s what to expect and how to handle pregnancy insomnia...
Everything You Need to Know about The Birth Control Pill
Birth control can be an awkward topic to talk about, but it’s an important thing to be informed on. One of the most common forms of women’s birth control you may hear about is “the pill.” But what exactly is “the pill”? How Does the Pill Work? A birth control pill is...

James S. Wendel M.D.

Emily Wiebracht, M.D.

Mable M. Roberts, M.D.

Kevin R. Fitzgerald, M.D.

John E. White, M.D.

Donna M. Cirasole M.D.

Christine E. Plecha M.D.

Robert R. Flanagan, M.D.