Deciding to start a family is an exciting time in a couple’s life, but it can also be very stressful. With the knowledge that every body and pregnancy is different, everyone is going to prepare for pregnancy in various ways. For some, pregnancy will come natural and quick, but for others it may take much more time to conceive, which is why you want to be prepared no matter what. There are a couple tips and tricks to getting your body into tip-top shape in preparation of bringing a new life into the world, so check them out below!


1. Get a Check-up!

It is always important to visit your doctor on a yearly basis in order to keep your health in check, but it is much more important when trying to get pregnant! Making sure you are up to date on all of your vaccinations and getting a physical are great ways to ensure you catch any health problems before you put your body through a pregnancy. Also, depending on your age or if you have had any previous fertility issues, it is imperative to consult your doctor so that they can get you on the right track. For example, be sure to discuss genetic screening with your physician so as to cover all your bases before conception.


2. Break the Habit

In order to begin a healthy pregnancy, vices such as drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs are highly discouraged. Not only can these make it harder to conceive, they can also endanger the life of your baby once pregnant. Drinking alcohol can put your baby at risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, an irreversible condition that causes brain damage and growth defects. Smoking can restrict blood flow as well as increase the risk of preterm labor. When it comes to drugs, they can cause a whole range of issues for you and your baby and it is smart to avoid them at all costs.

For prescriptions, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure they are safe to continue taking before and/or after pregnancy. There’s a potential that some can affect you from getting pregnant!


3. Get Healthy!

It is encouraged to incorporate a balanced and healthy diet pre-pregnancy as well throughout your pregnancy. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats (or other sources of proteins), whole grains, and low-dairy products are highly encouraged, as well as drinking plenty of water. Incorporating whole foods and limiting the amount of processed foods can be beneficial for both you and your baby. Also, it is important to include certain vitamins in your diet such as folic acid, which lowers the risk of birth defects for your baby. Once you become pregnant, you will most likely switch to a prenatal vitamin that will contain higher levels of folic acid.



4. Get Out & Exercise!

Physical activity in general is a great way to get your health on track, but it is also very important to keep up with when trying to get ready for a pregnancy. Staying active helps you feel better both mentally & physically, as well as improves your sleep and daily habits. Something as simple as taking a walk each day (or a couple times a week) can drastically improve your overall health, and is also very beneficial for your heart and to reduce stress.



5. Say NO to Stress!

It is so easy to get caught up in your day-to-day schedules and lives where stress creeps in, but when trying to get pregnant it is very important to try and keep stress at bay. Understandably this is much easier said than done, but there are many things that you can do that will help to make this goal achievable. First off, try your best not to compare yourself to others. Like mentioned before, everyone is different and so is their pregnancy story, therefore try to focus on taking care of yourself and getting informed. Also, different types of exercise such as yoga and cardio are great on the body and mind, but just remember to take it easy on yourself!


The journey of trying to conceive can be a positive experience, but it can also be very challenging and strenuous. Whatever the case, make sure to take care of yourself first and foremost. Whether it is getting a check up, changing the way you eat, or incorporating fitness into your routine, make sure whatever you do is what’s right for you. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to call any of our three convenient locations.