Mt. Auburn Office
2123 Auburn Ave. Suite 724
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Montgomery Office
9122 Montgomery Rd. Suite 100
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Mason Office
608 Reading Rd. Suite A
Mason, OH 45040

What to Expect from your Yearly Checkup
Each year, there’s always a list of things you should do. Spring clean your house. Go to the dentist. Clean out your closet. Take a vacation. And, obviously, go to the gynecologist for your yearly checkup.
There are multiple reasons why visiting the gynecologist is an important part of the year for any woman, these include benchmarking your overall health, performing routine health tests and a pap smear and talking with your doctor about other women’s health topics.
Forming Healthy Eating Habits: Advice for Teenage Girls
Healthy eating can be a challenge, and when you experience strong cravings as a teenager, making healthy food choices can be even harder (as if life weren’t hard enough for you right now!). People who experience periods know that urges to eat specific foods can be...
The Effects of Seasonal Depression in Women: Signs, Symptoms, and What to Do
Seasonal depression is exactly what it sounds like—depression that ebbs and flows with the season. And it’s more common than you might think. About 10 million Americans experience seasonal depression, and most of those people are women. In fact, women are four times...
Getting Back Your Groove: 7 Tips to Speed Up Postpartum Recovery
Having a baby is no small task. Pregnancy takes a toll on your body and your mind, often wearing down your self-esteem and sense of stability (not to mention your basic bodily functions). We get it. It’s not always pretty. And that’s okay. The first step towards...
Women’s Health: How to Prepare for Your New Year’s Resolution by Cultivating a Healthy Body and Mind
As 2022 approaches, we're all thinking about ways we can improve for the New Year. Although you may feel the urge to write down a lofty list of goals that includes "go to the gym every day," we urge you to take a more realistic approach to your health this year. The...
Baby’s First Winter: How to Keep Your Child Warm, Healthy, and Safe This Winter
As the cold weather approaches, there are lots of things new moms need to know about protecting their child and ensuring that baby's first winter is a good one. Protecting Infants During Cold and Flu Season The seasonal shift marks more than just a change in the...
5 Things Pregnant People Should Know About Getting the COVID-19 Booster Shot
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 vaccines work to curb the spread and protect individuals from developing severe illness—and the same rule applies to COVID-19 booster shots. According to the CDC, pregnant individuals and those who recently gave birth (within 42 days)...

James S. Wendel M.D.

Emily Wiebracht, M.D.

Mable M. Roberts, M.D.

Kevin R. Fitzgerald, M.D.

John E. White, M.D.

Donna M. Cirasole M.D.

Christine E. Plecha M.D.

Robert R. Flanagan, M.D.