As a mom of a newborn baby, it can feel like your days are spent in a sleep-deprived haze, as you try to get your little one to settle into a regular sleep routine. But don’t worry—with the right tips, you will be able to get your baby sleeping more soundly and for longer periods at night. Let’s take a look at some simple strategies for helping your baby sleep better and longer.

Develop a Consistent Bedtime Routine 

One of the best ways to help your baby get more restful sleep is to establish a consistent bedtime routine. This goes beyond just setting a specific time each night when you want them to go to bed; it also includes activities that help signal to your baby that it is time for bed. This could include things like bathing them, reading them stories or lullabies, changing them into comfortable pajamas, or giving them a gentle massage before putting them in their crib.

Make Sure They’re Well-Fed 

Another key factor in helping your baby sleep through the night is making sure they are well-fed before they go to bed. You should ensure that they have had enough breast milk or formula so that they don’t wake up during the night from hunger pangs. If you are breastfeeding, try not to overfeed as this could make it difficult for them to fall asleep on their own. It’s a delicate balance, however, with time you will learn what works best for your little one.

Swaddle Your Baby 

Swaddling is an age-old technique used by parents to help babies feel secure while they sleep. It also helps babies keep their hands away from their faces so they don’t wake themselves up with accidental scratches or bangs during the night. Make sure you use breathable materials like cotton muslin when swaddling your little one, as this will help keep them cool during those hot summer nights.

Use White Noise 

White noise machines can be incredibly helpful in helping babies drift off into deep sleep and stay there until morning. White noise mimics the sounds of being in the womb which is comforting and familiar to infants, making it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. You can also use soothing nature sounds if you prefer something other than white noise—just make sure it’s something low volume that won’t disrupt their sleep if it stops suddenly.

Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment 

It’s important to create an environment that promotes restful sleep for your baby. The room should be dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature. Make sure there are no distractions like toys or bright lights in the room that could potentially disrupt your little one’s slumber. If you have other children in the house, be sure they know not to disturb your sleeping baby so she can get her much needed rest.

Establish Feeding And Napping Schedules 

Another important tip is to establish feeding and napping schedules throughout the day so that your baby knows when they should expect food or rest and can adjust accordingly. This will help them learn how long they should be awake before it’s time for another nap or snack, and it will keep their body clock on track so they know when it’s time to go back to bed at night without too much fussing or fighting against exhaustion due to hunger or overtiredness.

Create a Super Cozy Crib

For a gentle transition into dreamland, place a gently warmed towel on their crib sheet and remove it right before laying them down. For optimal safety of your child, always put them to sleep lying on their back.

Changing Baby’s Diaper at Night

A common mistake parents make is to wait until baby has finished eating to change their diapers. If you do this, your little one may become too roused, making it more complicated to drift off after a night feeding. By changing the diaper before their feed, you’re allowing them to settle into sleep in the middle of their eat, helping them get back to sleep faster once they’re done eating. Now settled in a clean diaper they can finish their meal without interruption and more easily shut their eyes for slumber when they’re done.

Be Patient

If your baby has experienced a shift in their sleeping patterns, it could be due to either a growth spurt or sleep regression. Although these are natural occurrences that can happen during infancy, they may momentarily disrupt your little one’s usual slumber habits – usually lasting from several days up to four weeks for regressions. Perseverance is key; take comfort knowing that this event won’t last forever and soon enough you’ll both have regular restful nights once more!


Helping your baby get more restful sleep doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful! With these tips in mind, you should be able to help your newborn baby settle into a more consistent sleep pattern with fewer interruptions throughout the night. Creating a bedtime routine, having a soothing background noise, and sticking to consistent feeding and napping schedules are all great ways to ensure that your little one gets plenty of restorative rest each night so that both of you can enjoy more peaceful days ahead!

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