Experiencing a miscarriage can be upsetting—and it can also take a toll on your body. If you’ve recently miscarried, it’s important to give yourself the space and time to heal physically and emotionally.

Your period will likely return between 4-6 weeks after the miscarriage, but it takes about 2-8 weeks on average to recover completely. That’s because pregnancy hormones can linger in your body for up to two months.

But that’s just speaking physically. Emotionally, you may need more time. Grief isn’t an easy emotion, but there are some things you can do to ease your pain.

Here are some steps you can take to speed up your recovery process after a miscarriage.

Support healthy hormone balance with proper nutrition.
Certain foods can help you stabilize your hormones—and ultimately your mood.

Try working some of these foods into your diet:
• probiotic-rich foods
• cruciferous vegetables
• anti-inflammatory foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon, mackerel, nuts, and seeds

You should also consider avoiding inflammatory foods that could adversely affect your hormones, such as dairy products and sugar.

Most importantly, eat mindfully. It’s imperative that you listen to your body and make healthier choices rather than obsess over a strict diet. Overall, strive for a well-balanced diet that incorporates whole grains, fiber, vegetables, and healthy proteins.

In addition to eating well, you can also talk to your physician about taking supplements to support your nutrition.

Get moving, even if you don’t want to.
After a miscarriage, it’s best to engage in light exercise every day (once your OBGYN approves it). Don’t push yourself past your limits—or even close to them.

Instead, focus on restorative practices such as gentle yoga, stretching, or walking. You can even try kegel exercises.

If your motivation is low, try not to beat yourself up about it. Fatigue is normal. Simply walking around the house can be a good way to start healing after a miscarriage.

Develop a meditation practice.
Meditation can work wonders on your mental health by reducing anxious thoughts and calming your mind—but it doesn’t happen overnight.

Establish a morning or evening routine of meditation. If you try guided meditation and don’t like it, try another resource. There are plenty out there. Here are some you can test out:
• The Calm App
• The Headspace App
• The Headspace Guide to Meditation on Netflix
• The Get Sleepy Podcast

Identify healthy coping mechanisms.
You know yourself best. Identifying your coping skills is a great step towards relying on the healthy ones and ditching the destructive ones.

Our patterns can quickly snowball into bad habits, especially in the wake of an experience as difficult as a miscarriage.

So, pay attention to what makes you feel better, whether it’s spending time outside in the sun, chatting with a friend on the phone, or getting back to your favorite hobbies.

Talk to your OBGYN.
It’s normal to have questions after a miscarriage and feel unsure. Always call your doctor when you have concerns or questions. That’s what they’re there for.

If you need additional resources for depression, anxiety, or other health issues, you should also contact your primary care doctor. They can set you up with the care team you need to feel better.

What Not to do After a Miscarriage
After you’ve miscarried, you should certainly focus on the positive actions you can take to heal, but this advice on what not to do can help you prevent infection and any related discomfort.

Don’t use tampons.
Tampons can irritate the walls of your vagina. Instead, opt for sanitary pads or absorbent underwear.

Don’t douche.
Your vagina should be able to properly cleanse itself on its own. If you’re concerned, talk to your OBGYN.

Don’t go in pools or hot tubs
Although swimming can be a beneficial gentle exercise regimen, swimming pools and hot tubs can prevent wounds from healing properly.

Take showers.
Instead of bathing, you should shower.

Don’t have penetrative sex.
While your body heals after a miscarriage, avoid penetrative sexual intercourse. If you want to be sensual with a partner, consider trying new things such as tantra, oral, or sensation play.

Final Thoughts: Healing After a Miscarriage
Remember that healing is a process. It takes time, and progress isn’t always linear. Do your best, and you’ll find that it gets easier as time goes on.

For more information about Women’s Health, or If you’re looking for an OBGYN in the Cincinnati area, call us at 513-241-4774, or schedule your appointment.