If you’ve decided that 2018 is your year to start trying to have a baby, there are a few pregnancy prep tips to remember! Parents.com published a great article that featured a checklist to read over before you decide to add a baby into your life. It covered three different topics: physical health, financial health and your lifestyle and relationship health.

Physical Health

Your physical health is an important factor when you’re trying to have a baby. You’ll want to talk to your general doctor and get a physical to make sure your body is in the right place to conceive and carry a baby. You’ll want to discuss any chronic or genetic medical conditions and medications you’re taking that may impact a pregnancy.

You’ll want to start eating a healthy and balanced diet, too. Be sure to follow FDA daily guidelines for good nutrition and try to cut back on sweets and caffeine!

It’s also a good idea to start a prenatal vitamin regimen three to six months before you plan to conceive.

Financial Health

When you have started to think about expanding your family, it helps to take a look at you and your family’s finances. Children are expensive, and seriously looking at the cost of a child from conception through old age, can be an eye opener. Start by seeing what your insurance covers for prenatal care and delivery. Childcare and pediatrician bills are also something to keep in  account.

Investigating your company’s maternity and paternity leave policies should be on your pregnancy checklist, too.

Lifestyle and Relationship Health

Finally, you’ll want to make sure your personal relationships are ready to include a baby. Discuss the expectations of having a baby with your partner and other family members.

Whether you’re up all night during feedings or having complications during childbirth, you’ll want to be prepared for anything. You need to make sure your relationships are strong enough to handle whatever happens.

Take a look at the full Preconception Checklist online. If you have any questions about the list or your personal health, talk to your OBGYN. The doctors at Mt. Auburn are waiting to hear from you. Book your appointment with Mt. Auburn OBGYN today!